A quick and easy way !

You need to read, insert or update rows in a database, and it has to be done in Powershell ? I have encountered this need too recently. And I was scratching my head to produce a clean and simple script.

I found the perfect solution, a Powershell module that offers an abstraction to directly query your databases : SimplySql.

This modules supports several DB engines, such as MSSQL, Oracle, MySql, SQLite, PostgreSQL. And can even run on a linux distro if you’ve installed powershell :)

Show me how !

Here is how to do a SELECT with this module. We first have to open the connection, then make our request. Don’t forget to close the connection at the end.

#Requires -Modules SimplySql

$user = "myUsername"
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "mySecret"  -AsPlainText -Force

$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user, $password)

Open-MySqlConnection -Server db-01.example.net -Database mydatabase -Credential $creds
$planets = Invoke-SqlQuery -Query "select * from planets where type = 'terrestrial'"

$planets | % {$_.name}


The output would be :


You can of course use other SQL statements, such as INSERT and UPDATE. You’ll find everything you need in the docs available on the github repo.